

icon in urban fabric

A building has to have its relevant appearance. House needs to look residential place and theatre needs to look cultural place. This necessity comes from several reasons but social morals might be one of them. If there is an unknown construction like a blackbox in the town, people will try to look for key which tells what it is. Then nothing is found, people tend to feel displeasure or sometimes get scared. Appearance of building is important and should show the function as common sense. On the other hand we have other ways how to know what that building is. They are window and signs on board. We can know what is happenning inside by looking through the window. In the sense both window and signboard might be indicator of the identity which will show who she or he is. Now all these factors, appearnace, window and signboard, are got together and how about thinking of them as a icon in urban fabric. So a building is a icon. A city is an assemblage of many kinds of icon. This view could give a hint to step in next stage.