
ところで、1812年スペインの画家ゴヤは1枚の不思議な絵を描きました。握りこぶしを構える巨人が逃げ惑う民衆の背後に立ち上がっている様子を描いたものです。いろいろな解釈ができる絵ですが、ナポレオン戦争に巻き込まれて混乱する民衆の「怒り」を表現したというのもあります。今あらためてこの絵をながめて見ると、ゴヤの巨人は現代の都市にも出現しそうです。当時との違いを考えてみると、「怒り」ではなく「笑い」? ではないか。もう怒る気もしない。そんなあきらめと惰性が蔓延する現代都市の一面を、ゴヤの巨人に象徴させてみる。あるいは「大自然」の象徴と考えていいかも知れません。

'Nature' outside 'City'

Spanish painter Goya drew The Giant in 19C. This famous and exciting picture looks an expression of anger. It could be thought as a symbol of anger of citizen and city. And how about re-thinking The Giant as new symbol which will give hint for what 'Nature' means.

The word 'Nature' is defined as something uncertain which even metaphorical notion 'Architecture' cannot tell exactly beyond alternative between nature and art. Then at the case of city we can see the same situation as the relationship between 'Architecture' and 'Nature'. The word 'Nature' beyond 'City' wants to represent a new phenomenon around urban fabrics all over the world in current days. Cities have got to be capital markets. Dollar, Euro, Yen and others, money plays a roll as petrol for engine which accelerates transforming the notion of city, ambitious institutions invest in creating their own cities something. As the result city has been forced to change by the extraordinary way that huge amount of money have been injected into city. Money and money. That's all. No principle. But we had better not to judge this states good or bad. Anyway 'Nature' beyond 'City' can be set up. It sits outside the notion of city or urban things.